Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
National Day: 02 December, Founding of the Lao PDR
Chancery: A 104/7, Parrmanand Estate, Maharani Bagh, New Delhi – 110 065
Tel: +91-11-6323048 (Amb), 6933319 (Const.), 6933320 (Sec)
Fax: +91-11-6323048, 6933320
E-mail: laoembdelhi@gmail.com, laoembdelhi@yahoo.com
Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 0830 hrs – 1200 hrs, 1400 hrs – 1700 hrs
His Excellency Mr. Bounneme Chouanghom 11.11.2019
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Mrs Phimpha Keomixay
Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission (Political)
Mr. Khamthath Keomixay
Mr. Chanxay Souliphonh
Second Secretary (Protocol)
Mr. Somgnoth Douangsavath
Third Secretary (Consular