Embassy of the State of Israel
National Day: 02 May, Independence Day
Chancery: Bishramalaya House, Lazimpat, Kathmandu
Tel: +977-1-451 9103, 441 3419, 451 1811
E-mail: information@kathmandu.mfa.gov.il
Website: http://embassies.gov.il/kathmandu
Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0900 hrs – 1730 hrs
Consular Hours: Monday to Thursday: 0900 hrs – 1200 hrs
Friday: 0900 hrs – 1430 hrs
His Excellecny Mr. Hanan Goder-Goldberger 03.12.2020
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Tel: 451 3419 (O)
Mrs. Mae Miriam Goder-Goldberger
Ms. Dana Fisher
First Secretary/Deputy Chief of Mission/Consul
Tel: 4513 419 (O)
Mr. Yaniv Smirnov
Second Secretary
Tel: 4513 419 (O)
Mrs. Shachar Nelken
Colonel Assaf Mahler
Defence and Armed Forces Attaché
New Delhi, India Tel: +91-11-30414500 (O)
Mrs. Anat Mahler
Deputy Defence Attaché
New Delhi, India Tel: +91-11-30414500 (O)